v 4.0
Major Update -
- New Themes : Collapsible Menu, Collapsible Semi Dark Menu
- New Dashboard - dashboard-ecommerce.html
- Advanced cards - advanced-cards.html
- Advanced ui pulse - css-pulse.html
- Feature discovery - ui-feature-discovery.html
- CSS Transition - css-transitions.html
- Carousel - ui-carousel.html
- JS Transition - advanced-ui-transitions.html
- UI Advanced Buttons - ui-buttons-extended.html
- Dropdown - advance-ui-dropdown.html
- Scrollfire - advance-ui-scrollfire.html
- Scrollspy - advance-ui-scrollspy.html
- Add new layouts pages for light, dark, semi-dark, fixed footer and collapsible menu options
- Added support for jQuery 3
- Added Time Picker
- Added XL breakpoint
- Added Pulse CSS effect
- Added Feature Discovery component
- Added FABs in image cards
- Added swipeable tabs
- Added autocomplete integration with chips
- Added class method to dismiss all toasts
- Added callbacks to side nav
- Added instance method to remove specific toasts
- Added ability to remove autocompelete data
- Added container option for time picker
- Tab accessibility for date picker
- Validation styling support added for many form components
- Added carousel destroy
- Added close on select option for date picker
- Added support for custom active elements in scrollspy
- Basic horizontal cards
- Sidenav and Modals no longer cause flicker with scrollbar
- Materialbox overflow and z-index issues fixed
- Added new option for Card actions within a Card reveal
Issue Fix
- Fixed bug where modal triggers could not contain child elements
- Fixed bug with right alignment option for dropdown
- Added fix for validation messages being mispositioned when input is empty
- Allow select native browser validation error messages
- Modal open no longer initializes plugin
- Fixed bug where modal open did not use initialized options
- Modal-trigger class required for modal trigger elements
- Fixed waves persisting bug
- Waves no longer throws error on svg elements
- Fixed side nav callback bugs
- Fixed carousel image loading bug
- Full width carousel now resizes height on resize
- Fixed multiple bugs with jQuery outerWidth on Linux
- Fixed cursor blinking on select on iOS
- Fixed search form styling in navbar
- Fixed label animation on date picker
- Browser errors now show up on radio buttons and checkboxes
- Fixed dynamic textarea resize bug
- Fixed collapsible preselect bug
- Fixed dropdown event bubbling bug
- Fixed range position inaccuracies
- Fixed feature discovery mobile styles
- Fixed carousel reinitialize bugs
- Fixed grid offset bug
- Fixed various select bugs on mobile devices
- Fixed small sideNav overlay bugs
- Fixed carousel resizing bug
- Fixed materialbox callback bug
- Fixed carousel misalignment when switching quickly
- Fixed carousel resize bug where slide widths wouldn't change when changing window size
- Fixed bug where using backspace to delete chips would navigate back in certain browsers
- Fixed dropdown options bug
- Carousel bug fixes and new features
- Responsive tables now work with empty cells
- Added focus states to checkboxes, switches, and radio buttons
- Updated styling for Date Picker
- Updated styling for switches
- Autocomplete: renamed and moved options to autocompleteOptions
- Range slider supports keyboard navigation
- Upgraded noUiSlider to version 9 with support for vertical sliders
- Improved tabs compatibility with cards
- Refactored Modal plugin
- Tabs now supported in navbar
- Chips data can now be reinitiailized
- Updated sidenav styles and new component
- Changed /font directory to /fonts
- Datepicker and ScrollSpy now compatible with jQuery 2.2.x
- css-icons.html --> ui-icons.html
- advanced-ui-chips.html - > ui-chips.html
- ui-toasts.html -> advance-ui-toasts.html
- ui-tooltip.html -> advance-ui-tooltip.html
- ui-waves.html -> advance-ui-waves.html
- ui-tabs.html -> advance-ui-tabs.html
- ui-collapsibles.html -> advance-ui-collapsibles.html
- ui-carousel.html -> advance-ui-carousel.html
- ui-transitions.html -> advanced-ui-transitions.html
- Renamed Plugins folder to Vendors and moved to root folder
- Removed deprecated material icons from project
v 3.1
Minor Fixes -
- Added a
file for making custom changes using SCSS.
- Added a
Issue fix
- Fixed navigation bar issue on small screen for Horizontal & full-screen layout.
- Fixed card reveal effect and make made it more smooth.
- Fixed chartist error on single pages like login, register etc..
v 3.0
Major Update -
Angular UI
- 1. Ready to use number of Angular directives, are handled by Angular in the right way. [ angular-materialize.html ]
- 1. Ready to use 8 predefined theme.
Advanced UI
- 1. Language Translation [ advanced-ui-translation.html ]
- 2. Sweetalert for beautiful Modal popup [ advanced-ui-sweetalert.html ]
- 3. Shortable & Nestable [ advanced-ui-nestable.html ]
- 4. Range Selector [ advanced-ui-range-slider.html ]
- 5. Syntext Highlight [ advanced-ui-highlight.html ]
- 1. Advanced form validations [ form-validation.html ]
- 2. Input ttype mask [ form-masks.html ]
- 3. Drag & Drop file upload with customizable drop zone [ form-file-uploads.html ]
- 4. Updated new form elements [ form-elements.html ]
- 1. jsGrid - Lightweight Grid jQuery Plugin [ table-jsgrid.html ]
- 2. editableTable - turns any table into an editable spreadsheet. [ table-editable.html ]
- 3. floatThead - fixed table header plugin that requires no special CSS and supports [ table-floatThead.html ]
- 1. Material Chips [ ui-chips.html ]
- 2. Alerts & Warnings [ ui-alerts.html ]
- 3. Breadcrumbs [ ui-breadcrumbs.html ]
- 4. Updated Material FAB Buttons [ ui-buttons.html ]
- 5. Accordions page change to Collapsible with new popout feature. [ ui-accordions.html - > ui-collapsible.html ]
- 1. CSS Animations [ css-animations.html ]
- 2. Hoverable healpers [ css-helpers.html ]
Bugfix & Enhancement
- 1. Fixed popup close issue on click of popup out side (body) area.
- 2. Fixed the datatables row display select dropdown hide issue.
- 3. Fixed the floating button hover issue.
- 4. Fixed sparkline chaer hover stats background display issue.
- 5. Fixed the dount chart stats position.
- 6. Added the open close state menu icons and color.
- 7. Added notification dropdown and county flag dropdown for translation.
- 8. Fixed chart lag, scrollbar and map marker issues.
v 2.3
Minor Fixes - Fixed Firefox dropdown menu support issues
- e-Commerce product page fix
- Update materialize the SASS files
v 2.2
Minor Fixes - Fixed IE and Firefox support issues
- Dashboard search fix and updates
- Improved Charts
- Update materialize the SASS files
v 2.1
Major Update - 2 New layout
- 1. Full Screen
- 2. Horizontal Menu
- 10 New Pages
- 1. Profile Page
- 2. Contact Page
- 3. ToDos Page
- 4. Blog Type 1
- 5. Blog Type 2
- 6. Products Page
- 7. Pricing Table
- 8. Gallaery Page
- 10. Image Hover Effects
- Updated Material Search
- Fixed perfact scrool bar select to scroll issue
- Update materialize the SASS files
v 1.1
- Add new floating action button.
- Update materialize the SASS files.
- Fix the trending chart lagging issue.
- Version 1.1 released on 6th June 2015.
v 1.0
- Version 1.0 released on 20th March 2015.